1. What is NCVTC?
NCVTC is legally established under the guidance of eminent educationists for the development of education among all classes of students on the pattern of open and distance learning mode. The Council is legally registered autonomous and non-profit organization under the Government of Tamilnadu. The Council has the legal right of teaching and training under the provision of the constitution of India. The Council is functioning under the guidance of National Policy on Education 1986 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India In 1986, the National Policy on Education suggested strengthening of Open School System for extending open learning facilities in a phased manner at secondary level all over the country as an independent system with its own curriculum and examination leading to certification.
  1. What is Open and Distance Learning system?
Open and Distance learning (ODL) is an innovative approach of providing opportunity of learning through Self-Paced Learning(SPL) and certain other strategies in a flexible manner at the pace of learners. In this mode, the learner is also provided academic support in the form of PCP (Personal Contact Programme) in addition to SPL.
  1. How different is NCVTC from any other Institution for providing Education?
The NCVTC follows learner centric approach of teaching through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) Mode. It offers a wide range of subjects in comparison to any other formal schooling programme. The learners are free to choose subject combination as per their needs and goals. The learners study at their own pace with the help of specially designed and simplified Syllabus.
  1. What are the courses offered by NCVTC?
Non formal Vocational Education System, Open and Distance Learning System, E-learning Education System, RPL Academic Education System, Alternative Medicine System.
  1. What is the procedure for taking admission in NCVTC?
You can take admission through any one of the Authorized Centres / Admission Centres of NCVTC, Tamilnadu and another Regional Centre’s.
  1. How can I take admission at NCVTC?
You can take admission through any one of the Authorized Centres / Admission Centres of NCVTC, Tamilnadu and another Regional Centre’s.
  1. Can I take direct admission to NCVTC?
NCVTC is an examining body and it only conducts examination. Direct Admission to NCVTC will be given by State Regional Coordinator of NCVTC.
  1. Who conducts the courses and in what mode the courses are conducted?
NCVTC conducts the courses and the courses are conducted through non-formal mode of education.
  1. How many times examination is conducted at NCVTC?
Examination is conducted one Times in a year.
  1. What benefits do I get by joining the courses of NCVTC?
NCVTC courses have been designed in a futuristic manner with the help of National Education Policy, 1986, National Curriculum Framework 2005 and National Vocational Education Qualification Framework. The subjects in the courses are designed in a simple and easy to understand manner. The examination is conducted very transparently and it is easy to pass the exam. Students who have very less education become well equipped to face the outside world with confidence
  1. What is the eligibility criterion for admission?
ESLC (VIII Standard) A person who has passed VI Standard and has as valid proof of attaining 12 years of age can apply for registration to ESLC (VIII Standard)
  1. What is the valid proof of date of birth?
The certificate of date of birth issued by a Municipal Corporation, a Municipal body, a village Panchayat or any other body’ authorised by Registrar, Birth and Death, Government of India is a valid proof. However, in case of orphan’s street children etc., a medical certificate in respect of age issued by Government Hospital is also acceptable as valid proof.
  1. Does NCVTC allow any fees concession?
Fee concession is provided to SC/ST students, Differently-abled candidates, Poor Students, Widows and Ex-Servicemen as per NCVTC norms.
  1. How can I avail concession in fees?
To avail concession in fees, the student will have to fill the prescribed form and send proof of documents. Concession is not transferrable.
  1. Is there any provision for correction in admission record?
Yes, in case any particulars such as name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth, address and photo etc., are not correctly entered at the time of admission, the learner may request for correction of the same by producing supporting documents to NCVTC.
  1. What is the examination pattern in NCVTC?
The Annual examinations are held four times in a year on the dates fixed by the NCVTC. The Examination Pattern is called Student Centric Examination, where the Exams are conducted as per the requirements of students.
  1. How does a learner know about the schedule of examination?
The schedule of examination is made available on the NCVTC web site before the commencement of examination. The schedule of examination is displayed on the notice Boards of NCVTC.
  1. How do the learners find examination results?
Results are made available on NCVTC website. On successful completion of the course as per certification criteria, a learner is provided Mark sheet and Transfer Certificate
  1. What is the procedure for correction in result?
The learner may apply for correction to the Authorized Centre within 3 days of declaration of results and they in turn should apply to us within 3 days, if any discrepancy is found in the result and after which the correction is chargeable according to the prevailing fees.
  1. What is ODES?
On Demand Examination System (ODES) is an examination facility provided by NCVTC to its learners other than Annual examinations. A learner can appear under the ODES as and when ready for the examination after first Annual examination. A learner can apply online for ODES and can choose a date of Examination as per convenience. ODES examinations are conducted in all Authorized Centres on a monthly basis.
  1. How is on demand examination (ODE) different from the traditional public examinations?
In Annual examinations, the Controller of Examination decides the date of examination and the subject to be examined on that date; but In ODE, the learner decides the date and the subject in which he/she wants to appear on that date.
  1. What is the legal status of Vocational Education Conducted by NCVTC?
NCVTC is a legally registered Council under Government of Tamilnadu, which is also an ISO 29990:2010 Non-Formal Education Certified Council, registered under Planning Commission of India, internationally accredited to ICDE (International Council for Open and Distance Education) and it provides certificates to those who have successfully passed the exam and fulfilled the eligibility criteria as given in the admission guidelines.
  1. Does NCVTC provide syllabus for all the courses conducted by it?
Yes, NCVTC provides syllabus for all the courses conducted by it.
  1. Why NCVTC is charging very less fees?
The main aim of NCVTC is used to promote literacy to poor people, underprivileged people, widows, ex-servicemen etc. In order to help them we charge very less fees.
  1. Why the fees vary from Centre to Centre?
The fees charged by the study centre, depends upon the services they provide like additional training, visual aids etc. However, the candidate should be vigilant and should inform NCVTC in case if they charge exorbitant fees.
  1. What are the Certificates I will be provided on passing the NCVTC examination?
The passed candidates will be provided mark sheet and Provisional Certificate by default.
  1. How long will it take to despatch the results and mark sheets?
Results will be published in 30-45 days from the date of completion of exam. Similarly mark sheets will be issued in 30-45 days from the date of publication of result.
  1. How can I inform my grievance / complaint?
You can inform your grievance /complaint at Email ID: ncvtcgrievanceoffice@gmail.com
  1. What is the passing threshold in NCVTC?
All candidates who have obtained a score of 40% are declared to have passed the exam.
  1. Do I have to attend classes for courses of NCVTC?
Since the courses are conducted through non-formal mode, it is not required to attend the classes, but NCVTC strongly recommends you to attend classes to equip yourselves well in advance to face the examination with confidence.
  1. What should I do to attend classes?
You are requested to contact your Authorization Training Centre where you have taken admission. They will conduct classes after charging requisite fees.
  1. What is the admission fee for registration and examination fees?
                The latest fee structure for registration and examination will be notified via E-mail from time-to-time.