• Objectives and Functions


  • To provide and promote Skill and Vocational education in India by way of various Skill and Vocational courses which are relevant to the current time through qualified, experienced teachers and professionals enable the student, to become self-dependent, and which are job oriented.
  • To provide vocational training like Skill and Vocational, medical and health, fire and safety, teachers training, skill development, yoga, sports, cutting -tailoring, beauty and wellness, paintings, stitching, embroidery, management, agriculture, solar-energy, house interior, industrial, technical/ Non-Technical, Industrial, Vocational, Agricultural & Community Development programs etc. and establish, Manage, Maintain, take over and run educational, vocational and technical institutions in India.
  • To grant scholarship or provide financial aid to poor / meritorious students in the field of education and undertake other allied educational activity and organized promotional events related to the education.
  • To provide free education to the needy people and award appropriate certificates or diplomas in respect of educational, vocational or technical training courses administered and carried out by the Company education.
  • To communicate and engage with the government, Universities, local and public authorities related with education, and non-government organization on any subject related with education.
  • To provide assistance to any organization, individual or group of people in furtherance of the object of the society.
  • To organize meeting, seminars and conferences, publish pamphlets, statistics, periodicals, books and other publications and circulate them and organize other activities for the furtherance of any of the objects.
  • To no objects shall be carried out without obtaining prior approval/No objection certificate of the designated authority, wherever required.
    • Identification of skill development needs including preparing a catalogue of types of skills, range and depth of skills to facilitate individuals to choose from them.
    • Development of a sector skill development plan and maintain skill inventory.
    • Determining skills/competency standards and qualifications.
    • Standardization of affiliation and accreditation process.
    • Participation in Affiliation, accreditation, examination and certification.
    • Plan and execute Training of Trainers.
    • Promotion of academies of excellence.
Monitoring and evaluation on the effectiveness and efficiency of national skill development efforts through appropriate reporting and communication mechanism.None of the objects of the council carried out on commercial basis.


The Accredited Institutions are required to perform the following functions:


  • To act as Authorization Training Centres (ATC) for the NCVTC learners so that the access to study through Skill and Vocational based Non-formal education, Open and Distance education, E-Learning or Virtual Education, RPL Academic education mode is easy and within their reach.
  • To arrange orientation programmes for learners to apprise them of the unique features of NCVTC.
  • To inform learners about the important dates.
  • To arrange the orientation of teachers and other staff engaged in NETHAJI COMMUNITY VOCATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL activities at the Accredited Institution, in collaboration with NCVTC.
  • To upload timetable and organize classes of Personal Contact Programmes (PCP) sessions and Practical’s as per schedule, in accordance with the curriculum requirement and as per guidelines issued by NCVTC by involving available teachers of the institutions. Experienced and qualified working teachers and instructors for vocational courses of the other institutions and retired teachers and instructors, if required, can also be engaged.
  • To organize other types of face-to-face interactive situations on regular basis to retain motivation of the learners.
  • To facilitate and arrange practical classes for subjects involving practical work by making laboratory facilities available to the learners.
  • To provide library facilities to the learners for the purpose of reference.
  • To provide guidance and motivation to learners.
  • To prepare the learners for examinations.
  • To act as examination centre in order to conduct public examinations of NCVTC smoothly without allowing for any malpractices.
  • To provide feedback to NCVTC with respect to improvement of the learning materials, learner performance and other related academic matters.
  • To maintain attendance record of teachers and learners attending PCPs session.
  • To ensure that the mandatory contact hours for theory and practical’s for the respective vocational courses have been completed as per training schedule provided.
  • To motivate learner to register as alumni on NCVTC website.



  • To publicize the various courses/programmes offered by the NETHAJI COMMUNITY VOCATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL.
  • To publicise those admissions are Online through the Student Portal of NCVTC www.ncvtc.org.
  • To open a Joint Savings Bank Account in the name of Coordinator and one more signatory of the Accredited Institution in order to remit all receipts therein.
  • In case study materials are received then keep a full record of all receipts.
  • To maintain stock of materials, equipment and other items supplied by NCVTC or purchased /acquired by the study centre out of funds authorized by NCVTC.
  • To create a Book Bank of SLM from passes out learner.
  • To function as examination centre of NCVTC for its examinations as and when required.
  • To provide a separate Notice Board for learners where the timetable, date-sheet and other important information pertaining to NCVTC could be displayed.
  • To put up a Board outside the institution, displaying it as a study centre of the NCVTC with the Code Number of Accreditation for the information of the public.
  • To maintain liaison between NCVTC and learners necessary for the proper functioning of the Study Centre.
  • To follow directions/ advices/ suggestions as issued by NCVTC from time to time.

NCVTC has laid down Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for the guidance of the coordinators and other staff engaged in the systematic operationalization of its various Programmes.

he SOP is useful for the functionaries associated with the operationalization of ODL programmes of NCVTC in the study centre as well as for the faculty and staff of the constituents of NCVTC at Headquarter and at Regional Centres levels.

The SOP is modified and updated as per the need and requirement from time to time. All the accredited institutions are expected to follow the SOP in force carefully.