• Our Publication

NETHAJI COMMUNITY VOCATIONAL TRAINING COUNCIL (NCVTC) is published by Conscientious Beam. It is an International and peer-reviewed journal. It publishes original research, reports, reviews, exploratory and commentaries on all areas of Technical Education, Vocational Education and Training Research. 

  • First Review: The editor or editorial assistant decides whether the article fits within the journal’s aims and scope. Next a checked for the similarity rate is completed using Crosscheck, powered by authenticate. Any manuscripts out of the journal’s scope or having plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, are rejected without peer reviewed.

  • Publication: Articles are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 20 to 30 working days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 10 to 15 days.

  • DOIs at the Article Level: Each paper published in Financial Risk and Management Reviews is assigned a number, 

  •  Abstract Video: Abstract videos are available at YouTube channel.

  • High Visibility: Financial Risk and Management Reviews is indexed by the Google Scholar and other databases.

  • Article Processing Charges:  The journal does not have any Article Processing Charges and will publish well-prepared manuscripts free of cost submitted in 2022. However, if any manuscript requires English language editing and proofreading, a nominal fee will be charged based on the length of the manuscript.